Friday 28 February 2014

Thursday 27th February 2014


Question for today?
Why have you bought New Zealand butter & not Australian?

Because New Zealand cows aren't subjected to drought, so only eat grass!


Response to Response.
Australian cows are fed wheats & grains when there is no grass; ie drought conditions. This is bad for them & they don't like it. This then gets into their milk & so to humans.

Responder no.1
That's a far stretch isn't it?
I'm putting that one in the "Strange Basket"...

I couldn't stop laughing!!!!


I went for a drive to Lanyon, Tharwa & Tidbinbilla today!
Across the gardens at Lanyon

Lanyon Homestead

The well known bridge at Tharwa

The one & only shop in Tharwa

It was an extra long appointment for Dad today. It wasn't supposed to be but just turned into a 3 hour episode. I didn't mind though. I managed to slip back home for a coffee, then found a little cookie shop in Phillip, and even had time to ring the ABC and win their afternoon radio quiz.

1 comment:

  1. Clearly you both have a lot to learn about diet and health.


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