Tuesday 23 May 2017

Monday 22nd May 2017


I helped out at the Frogsafe Hospital for the morning. There's a never ending stream of things to be done.

In the late afternoon Geoff & I went down to Clump Point Jetty for an hour or so fishing. Geoff almost caught a catfish but it jumped off the line as he was bringing it in!

Odds & sods of pictures from the last week.


Varena usually mocks my fishing efforts, but my first cast nabbed a HUGE catfish. Well, it may really have been 40 or 50 centimetres, but it looked huge! It was a bugger that it jumped off the hook as I tried to raise it up to the jetty. So there are no photos.

Apart from many nibbles on our baits that was all the excitement fish-wise. Even the locals were complaining of the lack of fish. But I know that the fish-absenteeism is not down to my presence. If it was I'm sure that Varena would have told me! And told me.

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