Thursday 8 June 2017

Thursday 8th June 2017


OMG, did we somehow leave tropical far north Queensland overnight.... It was a chilly 15C this morning. I was dressed in a winter dressing gown & ugg boots to make breakfast...WTAF!

I warmed up somewhat walking Bruce up Old Tully Road, & then walking myself around Lacey Creek. It's a walk that I have wanted to do for a while. It was a glorious sunny day (meaning there was no cloud cover overnight, making it so chilly this morning).

Heading back I visited the original site of the “Mission” at South Mission Beach. The information board there informed me that there was never a religious mission there, & that it was basically a “dumping ground” for the Aborigines of the area. To get them out of the way! When a cyclone destroyed the mission 4 years later the Aborigines were again forcibly removed to Palm Island!

As I got to Old Tully Road I could see plumes of smoke, & found that one of the recently cut cane fields was having the stubble burnt on it. I am hoping to see the fields on fire at night. I think it would make for some good photos.

Reflections on Lacey Creek

Burning off the sugar cane stubble on Old Tully Road

There were a few Kites circling looking for a feed

Another quiet day of rest. The pain is reducing, which I am very happy about!

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