Sunday 28 January 2018

Friday 26th January 2018


Geoff suggested we go to an Australia Day celebration in the area today. I found out that the historic village of Berrima was having a street parade, so we headed over there around 11am.

We sat at the Gumnut Cafe having Lamingtons & drinks, and watching the parade go past. There were replica "WW1 diggers on horseback", bands, & lots of old cars. Also dancers, tractors, & the SES brought up the rear of the parade with sirens & water hoses spraying the crowds.

Geoff was glued to the cricket again...another Australia v England one day match, & he seemed surprised that Australia went so well....well it is Australia Day..!

All decked out

The fun bus

Marching bands

SO Aussie!

Tail End

I thought we should make a little effort with Australia Day, so off we went to Berrima and enjoyed a couple of hours there. I racked up several Aussie clichés for the day, with: Weet Bix for breakfast, a lamington for morning tea, the Australia Day parade, cricket on TV, a beer in the arvo, and a meat pie for dinner. No worries!

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