Tuesday 13 February 2018

Monday 12th February 2018


Yes! I got an orchid hunting day in!  And yes, we both found orchids. I was both happy & surprised we found anything, as once again it was very dry underfoot.
Geoff found 2 types, the Freak Midge Orchid (very hard to spot), & a Scarlet Greenhood. I found the Late Beard Orchid.

We met up with Jacqui for a bite of lunch at The Tin Shed in Lithgow. Then, on our return to Bathurst, we did a circuit of the Mount Panorama race track, which was finally open on our 3rd attempt at going up there!

A fun day for both of us!

These guys are guarding The Gap Road from Lithgow through to the Vale of Clywdd

Lizard sunning itself & pretty well disguised in the leaf litter
Freak Midge Orchid - Corunastylis apostasioides
(the flowers rarely open)

Late Beard Orchid - Calochilus gracillimus

FINALLY we are on the Mount Panorama Racing track-
When there is not racing it is a normal street with houses all around it!
I can't say it would be much fun living here on race days!

Archie needing a Pit Stop...LOL!

Racing Geoff!

Our recent orchid hunts have turned into dim wanderings in the bush due to the scarcity of orchids. So today was a much better hunt, with actual results. Varena's reaction to an orchid find is still great motivation; she gets so excited.

We took a cautious drive around Mt Panorama, noting that: the speed limit is 60 kmh, that traffic flows both ways, and that the windy Skyline area is rather steep.

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