Thursday 8 February 2018

Monday 5th February 2018


We headed out to Hill End, an old gold mining town, one of the first in Australia. NSW Parks & Wildlife now run it, with many of the old buildings still standing & looking in good condition. There are plenty of signs around the village telling you of life there back in it's heyday, of the buildings that once stood there, or what the ruins once were when they were standing.

Merlins Lookout looks across the multitude of old gold claims that were dotted along the hillsides; yet another harsh & inhospitable area where people hoped to find their fortunes.

Old Inn / Coaching House in Limekilns
Turon River
Turon River Bridge
Another old coaching house on the Hill End road
Archie & Geoff posing 

Archie & Me

Old houses around Hill End

Old Cars

Chilled out Roo

Old Post Office - Hill End

Another lovely Sunset


More touring the area today. Gold fever must be such a debilitating affliction. The conditions that people lived and worked in!

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