Saturday 10 February 2018

Saturday 10th February 2018


We had a quiet day today, with Geoff reminding me it is the 14th anniversary of his brother Bernie dying. That brings back very many sad memories.

Then I heard from Jacqui by email later in the morning that a fox had gotten into their Chicken Palace killing half of their family of chooks; so sad. Not a happy day all in all.

It was warm & sunny all day & the expected temperature was in the high 30c's, lovely. We got to enjoy the deck & hammock; it hasn't happened much since we have been here.

White Trumpet Lily out at Yerranderie

Interesting bark & tree trunk

The cliff above Yerranderie

Beautiful marking on this huge Lace Monitor

My one & only orchid sighting since we 
arrived in the Bathurst area.
Dipodium punctatum- Blotched Hyacinth Orchid

Proof it rained here in Limekilns last night!

Today is one of the growing number of days in my calendar when I mark the anniversary of someone's, family or friend, death. I guess I am at an age now when there will be a slight increase in the pace of these sad calendar additions.

On a brighter note, I managed to watch Australia beat England in T20 cricket during the evening.

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