Wednesday 31 May 2023

Monday 29th May 2023

 Monday 29th May


Geoff, Dorte & I went to the Bohemian Brew Cafe, which is just along the road from the house. It looks to be maybe the old homestead for the area, which was surprisingly kept when the suburb of Vasse was built.

We all enjoyed our breakfasts; tasty & a good size.

The rest of our day was spent finishing up the cleaning & awaiting the owners' arrival. They messaged from the airport saying they’d be back around 7pm. I organised a light dinner & they flaked before 9am.

Bohemian Brew Cafe

Autumn leaves at the house,
before Geoff "vacuumed them all up

Minnie & Skye,
we will miss these guys!


We finally made it to the nearby cafe, which is only about 200m from the house. All was good so we go back there one day. Our last tasks were completed at the house, then we waited for Mike and Karen's return. They seemed to have enjoyed their USA trip, and even started sounding us out for a possible return sit next year, if their travel plans go ahead.

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