Wednesday 31 May 2023

Saturday 27th May 2023

 Saturday 27th May


We had a cold start to the morning; I think it was a "feels like" temperature of close to 0c! I did some more cleaning & packing with the bulk to be done tomorrow. Geoff had a walk to the shops, as he needs a “stat dec” signed by a professional to defer his call up for jury duty on the 6th June.

After lunch we headed for Bunbury, I had bought tickets for the Melbourne Comedy Festival Roadshow way back in February. We had a good evening, with drinks at Mash Brewery, followed by dinner at Joe’s Curry House before the show.

It was after 11pm by the time we got back to Vasse, a late night for us!

Dinks at Mash brewery with
dolphins putting on a show

Dinner at Jo's Curry House
Then the Melbourne Comedy Festival Roadshow
for the finale of the evening


Our afternoon involved heading to Bunbury, looking for orchids in a few places, then having a couple of quiet beverages before dinner. The comedy show was at the entertainment centre, which is just a short walk from the restaurant. We parked at the entertainment centre then walked up for our tasty dinner. We made the short walk back in good time for the show, which was quite funny. Overall it was very good day out.

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