Sunday 21 May 2023

Sunday 21st May 2023

 Sunday 21st May


Geoff finally came out for a drive today. He had mentioned we should go out a couple of days ago. It happened to be overcast so perfect for his first orchid wander in over a month.

We headed for the Augusta area, with one random drive through the Warner Glen National Park along the route. The expected Bunnies were seen, also Greenhoods & Snails, but both only budding.

I promised Geoff morning tea from the Augusta Bakery, which we ate at The Colour Patch, a strange name for an area on the neck of the Hardy Inlet. Fuelled up on vanilla slice & custard tart we headed off to a few locations. Several types of Bunnies were found, & lots of Curled-tongue Shells. The Leeks were still budding & no signs of Greenhoods or Snails were seen in the four spots we stopped.

It was a ½ day hunt, so we were back for homemade soup & a toasted Turkish roll for lunch.

A bright yellow Leaf Katydid

Augusta road

Weird "smudged" clouds in the sky


It has been a while since I dared spend an extended period outside, so I was looking forward to this morning's outing. Varena's suggestion of the bakery absolutely sealed the deal! Orchids were light on, but just having the wander together was what made it good. 

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