Saturday 3 June 2023

Thursday 1st June 2023

Thursday 1st June


Geoff decided to come along for the orchid hunt in Kojonup, about 90km away. I packed us morning tea & lunch, & the flask of hot water; it was going to be a full-ish day out.

Thankfully, I had “inside info” as to where the Winter Spiders were, so we weren’t walking around blindly in hopes of finding them. Geoff found the first one & I found 2 more, within 20m of the GPS location. But that was it for them.

We also found Hares, Crinkle-leafed Bunnies, & across the road in the Kojonup Nature Reserve, we found Red-veined Shells. At the Farrar NR, where we stopped for lunch, we met Susanne O’Halloran, who I have spoken to on the phone a couple of times but never met. She told us where there were some Dark Banded Greenhoods (I think) flowering.

So, after yesterday finding nothing flowering, today we found 5 different types in flower. I was a happy little Vegemite!

The old disused "general store" 
in Dinninup

The 1st Caladenia/Spider Orchid for the new season.
Winter Spider

Crinkle-leafed Bunnies 

Cupped Banded Greenhoods

Hare Orchid & Dark Banded Greenhood
(green form, I think)!


The surprise of the day was meeting Sue. Varena had spoken on the phone with her a few years ago when we did the house-sit at the sheep station near Kojonup. But, they had never met, nor spoken since, and they just happened to be looking for orchids in a little out of the way place at the same time. Small world!

I had my usual Skype session with Mum in the late afternoon. For some reason she has delayed getting her injured shoulder treated for a week, so that Eileen go with her to the appointment. It is pushing 3 months since she fell, so I thought that she'd be in to see a Physio pretty quickly. But no. Anyway, hopefully there will be some improvement soon.

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