Wednesday 31 May 2023

Wednesday 31st May 2023

 Wednesday 31st May


I had planned to have 4 days free camping, but the weather was against us. We need sun to power up the batteries & all this week the predictions are for rain & clouds. So we decided to head for the small town of Boyup Brook, which has a small, well-priced caravan park.

I headed out for a very disappointing orchid hunt. Not one flowering orchid was seen. Only a few Greenhoods were budding, & some leaves of the later flowering orchids starting to appear.

Geoff, however, was quite happy; he had the TV all ready for the Rugby “State of Origin” game to watch. Hopefully the “right” team wins!

Baby Blue-tongued Lizard

 Wet bark

Soldier Beetle


Moving on from the dark forest, in a gloomy week, seemed a good idea. We can go a few days without sun if we moderate our power usage, but having the water pump, heating, and lighting make our van comfortable, so moving on was best. The benefit of being able to watch the State of Origin rugby league was just a bonus.

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