Wednesday 31 January 2018

Monday 29th January 2018


We farewelled Karen & Suki soon after Karen returned. She was pretty tired & jet-lagged.

After a picnic lunch at Mount Annan Botanic Gardens we headed for Springwood for afternoon tea at Pat's place (Megan's mother). Both Megan & Ike were there too. We had yummy home-made teacake, which didn't last long.

Our destination was Lawson to overnight with Mick & Jacqui, Geoff's brother & sister-in-law. The talking, eating & drinking continued till after midnight....

Gorgeous Suki

Lake at Mount Annan Botanic Gardens

The gardens

Pink Kangaroo Paws

Our 70's hostess

My Pastafarian Hubby

UFO in Lawson


Farewelling Suki and Karen we headed onward and upward to Lawson. Mick put on a few cold home brews, while Jacqui played hostess; it was fun and tasty.

Even as we approached Mick and Jac's front door we could smell the deliciousness that was being created within. Mick had made a laksa, and after a few hours of being teased by its aroma we were unleashed on upon the tastiness. A few wines to accompany dinner and all of a sudden it was midnight! It happens.

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