Sunday 28 January 2018

Sunday 28th January 2018


I did the bulk of the packing up and cleaning, & Geoff mowed the front & back lawns. It was a hot & sweaty morning for both of us. Suki was hiding from the vacuum cleaning & watching the mop with interest; she didn't seem to know what was going on.

The house owner Karen is due back around midday tomorrow so we should be all ready for her, with just the fridge foods & final bits & pieces to get into the car.

More photos from the Australia Day parade in Berrima.

A popular cooling option for the crowds

This morning there was rain on the air, more light rain possible in the weather forecast, and a chance of an afternoon storm. So, given that it seemed that the grass would never dry today, after packing up the ute I decided to mow the grass before it got any wetter. As it turned out I would have been better off waiting, as the grass all dried out in the sun and breeze, and the rain didn't come.

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