Wednesday 31 January 2018

Tuesday 30th January 2018


We all seemed to have a "sore heads" thing morning...the sign of a good night I think!

Mick & Jacqui escorted us to Katoomba, then on to Lithgow, where we got to see Jacqui's new studio in the old pottery works there. After lunch at a chicken shop we parted company. We had a further hour's drive to Limekilns for our next house sit.

Diana, the owner, has a 28 acre property overlooking a valley. She has 2 lovely Burmese cats called Bella & Janus, & 4 chickens.  Her main requirements are looking after the cats & watering her fledgling garden. Plus checking on the chickens.
An easy job with a nice house too.
Highway on fire!

At Jacqui's studio

One day off a full moon


For some reason all four of us must have had that one bad prawn last night! We were all a little slow to get going today. Once we'd hit the road things improved. And once we'd scoffed our burgers and chips in Lithgow we were all as good as new!

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