Thursday 1 February 2018

Thursday 1st February 2018


Once again the weather never fails to surprise us. The day we arrived at Limekilns it was mid 30c's & Diana had the AC going. Last night the cold wind arrived, the skies clouded over & we had the fire going & the electric blanket on!

We did venture out though. The hills we can see from the house are in the Winburndale Nature Reserve & to access that area you can go up the Mount Horrible Road! We couldn't resist! I had found a way through the hills on Google maps, & had hoped to do that route. But the road I wanted didn't seem to exist. Geoff was keen to stop off at Lickhole Gully & have a look around....!

Anyhow, we went to Sunny Corner & Dark Corner, also Wambool Nature Reserve instead. No orchids were seen!

It wasn't really...

Archie - ready for orchid action!

Morning tea stop

Art on the property

The front garden

Last night's dusk...not much colour
Quite a change tonight


We enjoyed a morning of touring the range of hills visible from our new house-sit; Winburndale. Despite Varena's best plans the GPS and Google Maps could not find some of our intended route, so we made do with what we could find. With a short look around Wambool added to the mix we still made it back to the house for lunch. I Skyped Mum and computered during the afternoon before watching the BBL semi-final in the evening.

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