Saturday 27 May 2023

Thursday 25th May 2023

 Thursday 25th May


Geoff, Dorte & I had a short orchid wander around Gary’s block then at the Carbunup NR. Nothing exciting was seen, but we all enjoyed the walk & fresh air. It is definitely cooler today; the wind is chilly!

After lunch I did more cleaning around the house; doing it a bit piecemeal saves my back, I think. Two Skype sessions today; Geoff with his Mum at 5.30pm, & both of us with my brother in Japan at 7pm.

Dew Drops on a gum leaf

Chocolate brown Blue-tongue Lizard
Rusty sruff

Banded Greenhoods, Hares
Scented Autumn Leeks


We were at Dorte's just after nine, but a delivery of corrugated cladding being delivered for Gary's new boat garage meant that we didn't leave for Carbunup until well after 11. We only found the usual orchid suspects, and were back at Vasse for a late lunch.

Skype with Mum went a bit longer than usual as I was trying to troubleshoot her email, which had stopped working. It was a rather frustrating time, as everything needed to be clearly explained, in very basic terms, and even then some things were not understood. Well, she is nearly 84, so at least she is having a go. But, I should probably not offer to assist from long distance in future.

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