Wednesday 24 May 2023

Wednesday 24th May 2023

 Wednesday 24th May


After getting a big pot of Bolognese Sauce on to slow cook Geoff & I met Dorte out at Gary’s BnB beach house in Abbey. I am thinking of coming down this way with Mum in March next year for a week. She hasn’t been to this area before & Dorte offered to show Geoff & I around the house.

Then, we headed to the van to drop off some bits, and Geoff wanted to fill the water tanks for our Tuesday departure. Back at the house I did a little more cleaning & packing of things to return to the van.

Morning tea stop yesterday, the
White Elephant Cafe at Prevelly Beach

Further around Prevelly

The approaching rain from Foul Bay
Rocks & views over Cosy Corner


Our morning outing was to check out the potential place to stay next year when Varena's mum comes over. We had driven past the house before, so we knew that it looked like a fairly old, basic place. After seeing inside we now know that we were correct in our assumptions, but the bathrooms have been re-done. Apart from the inside stairs to the first floor not having any handrails, it should be fine.

Our other task was to do a few things at the van. I took the jerry can back, and filled the water tanks. So, apart from moving our stuff from the house, there is not much else to be done.

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