Wednesday 24 May 2023

Tuesday 23rd May 2023

 Tuesday 23rd May


Dorte & I had a sightseeing day out.

I had suggested, a week or 2 ago, going to check out one of the 10 or more caves in the Capes area. We decided on Jewel Cave, the most southerly cave. 

But, first we went to the White Elephant Cafe on Prevelly Beach for morning tea. The cafe overlooks the beach, and has lovely views.

We had an hour guided tour around Jewel Cave. It’s been a few years since I’ve been in a cave; it was nice to see mother nature's “magic” again.

We managed to avoid the rain after the tour, with a short stop at Cosy Corner Beach & Foul Bay, but it bucketed down as we headed back to Vasse.

The remains of a "Tasmanian Tiger" - Thylacine,
were found at the bottom of Jewel Cave
when it was first discovered

Just a few shots of the amazing
"sculptures" beneath the ground


My sister, Eileen, emailed to give an update on Mum. Mum had a fall in early March, with the cause unknown, and had worsening pain in her back from a day or two later. It took a few weeks but she was finally diagnosed with a cracked rib, which is almost healed now. All this I knew. But, despite not mentioning anything about it when I visited her in late March, she has been having pain in her arm. Now, about 10 or more weeks after the fall, Mum has been scanned, poked and prodded for the umpteenth time, and this time badly torn muscles were identified in her shoulder, hence the pain. Hopefully, physiotherapy can help.

I headed out just after Dorte picked up Varena and took a few things to the van; the end of house-sit packing and cleaning process has begun. And, just to be sure on two things, I drained the water tanks and took the jerry can for filling. Giving the van's water tanks an extra flush can't hurt, and I'm not sure of the fuel availability when we leave and head towards Wandering.

My next stop was at Aldi for some supplies, then, to Varena's amazement, I went to a workwear shop and bought a couple of shirts. On the way back to the house I topped up the ute and filled the jerry can, getting in just a few minutes before 1pm, so lunch time!

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